You work hard, and you want others to know it. In fact, how could they not? It seems there is no place to hide and no privacy to be found in our hyper-visible digital landscape. Why not showcase your grind—those late nights, early mornings, and everything in between—which has become a badge of honor. Look at me, working really hard!
Social media is inundated with behind-the-scenes peeks of people’s process and insights, ostensibly proving their expertise and dedication. But does anyone really care about how hard you work – or even how you are working at all?
The Allure of Behind-the-Scenes and the Cult of Workaholism
It’s commonplace now to scroll through feeds filled with images and stories of our work routines. Look! Here I am working! And over here. Behind my computer screen. Traveling. Networking! When did how we work become so precious?
Far from a how-to, this public display taps into a cultural vein that equates visible effort with value and success. Yet, there's a stark difference between what captivates on social media and what impacts the real world, particularly in business.
While sharing some behind-the-scenes moments can humanize a brand and engage an audience, it's crucial to remember that a business’s website and services are ultimately about the customer, not the personal or corporate narratives of their creators. This is not a reality TV show, which, as a reminder, is largely staged anyway.
In the realm of business, particularly digital commerce, results speak louder than the detailed stories of the effort behind them. Customers are drawn by the value they receive, not the exhaustive effort that went into creating it.
The greatest sizzle, indeed, is the value provided.
The Psychology of Proclaiming Hard Work
Why, then, do we often find ourselves broadcasting every ounce of effort? (Or at least feel compelled to give a teaser of us creating the masterpiece?)
Psychologically, this tendency can be traced to a desire for validation and empathy. Many believe that if others see how hard they are working, they will be more appreciated or respected. This mindset can, however, lead to a dangerous oversight: it distracts from focusing on what truly matters—outcomes and effectiveness.
Societal Confusion: Hard Work vs. Efficient Work
There remains a pervasive confusion in many workplaces between working hard and working smart—and between process and the result. Despite advances in technology and productivity tools, the archaic measure of logging hours persists, often valued over genuine results. This not only fosters inefficiency but also perpetuates a culture where presence is mistaken for productivity.
Employers and employees alike need to shift their focus towards outcomes. Efficiency should be king. After all, working smarter often leads to better results, not just more burnt-out employees.
Misguided Focus in Business Narratives
Many companies focus on narrating their internal efforts and the complexities involved in their operations, assuming this will impress potential customers. However, what truly resonates with customers is seeing how a product or service can transform their lives—or at least their businesses.
Instead of detailing how many hours were spent on development, businesses should highlight how their offerings will solve problems, improve efficiency, or enhance the customer's quality of life.
Instead of showing yourself building the website, show off the website itself. You get the idea.
Shifting the Narrative Toward Customer Transformation
By shifting the focus from internal processes to the customer’s journey, businesses can better align their messaging and marketing strategies. This involves demonstrating not the hours of labor poured into the product, but the tangible benefits it provides. For example, instead of a software company highlighting the long nights spent coding, it could focus on how its product increases productivity and reduces stress for its users.
So, no. Your customers care very little about the fact that you do these things behind the scenes. If they are already a client, they might enjoy seeing you “doing your thing” and engage with you on social. But if they are looking for a provider of expertise and skill, they want to see your results. They are far more interested in your insights, tips, strategies and what you have done for other clients just like them.
Results, Not Process
While the process is essential to delivering results, it is not the transformation itself. Businesses, especially in their digital expressions, must prioritize the customer's needs and the seamless delivery of services or products. Behind-the-scenes content can enrich a brand narrative, but it should never overshadow the primary goal: to serve and add value to the customer’s experience.
As we navigate these trends of overemphasized work habits and underappreciated efficiencies, it’s vital to remember that in the eyes of the customer and the broader market, the proof is in the pudding. No amount of documented hard work can substitute for the quality and effectiveness of the final offering. Let's not get seduced by our own processes to the point of missing out on why we started in the first place: to provide undeniable value, the truest form of sizzle there is.